What's New

What's new on PBMG Wholesale!

We scour the Earth to find the newest, most unique and useful items in the automotive aftermarket. We also try to stay abreast of the most current trends and products in car care and car accessories so we can offer them to you first!

Before we decide if an item makes the site, these products must undergo and pass our rigorous testing and approval procedures. Testing at AutoGeek goes something like this: a new item arrives at the warehouse and, on a rotating schedule--I'd go broke if everyone here got to try everything--staff members check out the product on their own cars, or a neighbor's, or a friend's, to see if it is indeed worthy. It seems that the most popular items to test are car care products, microfiber towels, etc.--in other words, products that don't have to come back! (Working here does have its perks.) Once there has been sufficient time for the item to prove, or disprove its usefulness, we have a staff meeting to get everyone acquainted with the new product. That's why we have one of the most knowledgeable sales staffs you'll ever deal with. (They forced me to say that!) All joking aside, we strive to bring you the best items, first, at the best cost. After all, we're all in this for one thing—our cars!