DP VLP Coating

DP VLP Coating

Item #DP-210
MAP Price: $14.99


Leather, vinyl and plastic care that lasts!

DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating has what you need to keep those unique interior surfaces protected. DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating is a nano-polymer-based protection that protects leather, plastic and vinyl from the damaging effects of UV rays, moisture, oils and other contaminants. Once applied, DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating will last for months while giving off a low-sheen, newly detailed look. Highly concentrated, DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating can provide up 55+ applications. Plus, DP Leather & Vinyl Coating comes in the ease of a spray bottle.

Leather, plastic and vinyl are fairly different surface textures, and very rarely do you find a leather product that can work with anything else besides leather. However, DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating breaks that stereotype brining you a product that can clean your leather, but also your vinyl and plastic. So, go ahead, save that time and money and coat your seats, dash and whatever else fits the bill in your interior, with one product.

What you can expect:
• PROTECTION! Formulated to give you extra protection against UV rays, moisture and more.
• LOOKS GOOD! Gives off a freshly detailed look for months.
• CONVENIENCE! Easy-to-use and is highly concentrated to give you 55+ applications.

DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating consists of nano-polymer based protection, which basically means you are getting an extra special level of protection, designed to last longer. This extra protection protects against harmful UV rays that cause oxidation, moisture and oils that can ruin a leather surface and other contaminants that are causing harm to your interior leather, plastic and vinyl surfaces.

A protected coating should also look good! DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating also gets high marks when it comes to looks, providing a low sheen or satin-like finish. This freshly detailed look not only is visually appealing, but it also lasts for months with just one application.

DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating is also easy-to-use in just a few simple steps. With the convenience of spray bottle, all you have to do is spray the product onto a microfiber coating applicator, apply the applicator to the surface, let it sit and then wipe away. Remember this is a concentrated product, meaning a little can go a long way, 55 applications or more!

1. Clean the surface to be coated with DP Total Interior Cleaner to remove large pieces of debris and dirt.
2. Shake DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating well.
3. Spray DP Leather, Vinyl & Plastic Coating onto a microfiber coating applicator.
4. Spread evenly across the surface to be coated.
5. Allow product to dwell for approximately one minute.
6. Buff away with a clean microfiber towel.

4 oz.

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