DP Interior All-In-One

DP Interior All-In-One

Item #DP-350
MAP Price: $12.99


Your plastic will never have looked better!

Looking to clean your plastic interior, while at the same time, providing protection? DP Interior All-In-One is the way to go! DP Interior All-In-One cleans, shines and protects your plastic, leather and vinyl surfaces, keeping your interior looking as though you barely use it. Plus, DP Interior All-In-One helps eliminate those bad odors that somehow manage to find their way into your car. Unlike most cleaners, DP Interior All-In-One leaves your interior clean and not with a greasy finish.

Considering the fact that you have to sit in your car all the time, you want the interior to be as pristine as can be. However, since your interior usually contains many types of surfaces, you end up needing a special product to treat each of them. Fortunately, with DP Interior-All-In-One you now have a product that can tackle all interior leather, vinyl, plastic and similar surfaces.

What you can expect:
• CLEAN AND SHINY! It’s easy to clean and shine, simply spray a clean microfiber towel and wipe!
• PROTECT FROM FUTURE DAMAGE! Keep interior safe from future UV rays and wear and tear!
• ELIMINATE ODORS! No one wants a smelly car, keep it fresh with the same product!
• NON-GREASY FINISH! A greasy finish is a messy finish, no worries here with that!

DP Interior All-In-One combines all of the most important aspects of interior detailing - cleaning, conditioning, and protecting!

We all can admit that as much effort as we take in making the outside of our car look great for onlookers to envy, we sometimes forget that the interior needs some extra care too. Afterall, we do spend our actual time with the car, inside it. So, it’s important that you keep it clean, especially when pets or kids or someone who is just plain messy, is in the car. DP Interior All-In-One cleans leather, vinyl, plastic and similar surfaces of your interior with just the one product. DP Interior All-In-One is perfect for your dash, door panels and seats!

DP Interior-All-In-One is your one stop product for cleaning your plastic surfaces in your car. So, depending on your car, that can be anything from your dashboard and steering wheel, to gear shifts, seat buckles and center consoles. With great cleaning, comes great shining! As you clean, you will remove fingerprints, dirt, dust and grime and replace it with shine.

Once it’s clean, you want it to stay that way. DP Interior-All-One protects the plastic surfaces that have just been cleaned. Protection from new contaminants and even the degrading effects of the sun’s rays. It will even protect against everyday wear and tear. And unlike most products, you won’t have any lingering greasy residue on your surfaces. Plus, it boots all bad odors to the curb, allowing your car to smell as good as it looks!

Directions for use:
1. Make sure the nozzle is pointed away from you, towards a clean, microfiber towel.
2. Take the microfiber towel and apply evenly to the surface.
3. Allow product to fully dry, no need to wipe off the product.
4. Feel free to add more layers of product to increase shine.

16 oz.

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